Monday 19 July 2010

Colchester Zoo

With a visitor staying with us, and birthdays to celebrate, we took a trip up to Colchester Zoo last week. Knowing that it would be a long day of walking about, I decided just to take my K10D and the Sigma 105mm, which would allow me to take macro shots if needs be, but also allow for plenty of cropping to frame the shots as I wanted, as this is an incredibly sharp combination.

Here are a few shots from the day.

Meercat at Colchester Zoo

Lion in black and white, at Colchester Zoo

Lioness yawning at Colchester Zoo

Crocodile at Colchester Zoo

Well worth a visit!


Neil said...


I like using my pentax 100mm macro where you can be fairly sure the animals will be close. Still I wouldnt got anywhere without my 500mm!

Daniel said...

For a day out like that, I just couldn't bear the thought of carrying around the weight of your 500mm!

Bev said...

As usual a super set of photo's Daniel, I really like Colchester Zoo but you need to get there early before the crowds - interesting point re the lens you took I must remember this!!

Daniel said...

Thanks Bev! If you're happy carrying around a few lenses, then this is the better option, but I was being lazy. ;-)

Also, if I'd got something like a 70-300mm zoom that would have been more flexible, at the expense of a smaller maximum aperture... Always a compromise. :-)
