Saturday, 26 May 2012

Photo Friday - Week 19

Another in my regular one-day-too-late series of Photo Friday pics, here's one I took at Fingringhoe Wick during my 'Beyond The Basics' photography workshop today - thanks to Martin for pointing out this dragonfly exuvia to me. :-)

Pentax K-5, Pentax DA*300mm f/4 lens @ f/5.6, 1/1000s, ISO400, handheld.


Neil said...

Nice shot.

Looks like that of a broad bodied chaser dragonfly, which are emerging at the moment.

Daniel said...

Could well be Neil, although we only saw Four Spotted Chasers on a nearby pond, don't know whether that's a possibility for this exuvia.

Neil said...

Ah that is the likely candidate, they are pretty similar looking nymphs, and probably the more likely in this situation