By no means an expert on Damselfly identification, I needed to double-check when I got home, but I'm sure it's a Willow, and here's my fairly poor record shot:

Pentax K-5, Sigma EX 105mm f/2.8 macro lens @ f/8, 1/60s, -0.5EV, ISO400, handheld.
Something else we saw was this cricket, which had a black stripe running down its back. I've not seen one like this before, and it may well be a nymph of a conehead, probably a long-winged conehead (Conocephalus discolor). Googling it does suggest that's what it is, I'm just surprised they have the long ovipositor at this nymph stage.

Pentax K-5, Sigma EX 105mm f/2.8 macro lens @ f/8, 1/125s, -0.5EV, ISO400, handheld.

Pentax K-5, Sigma EX 105mm f/2.8 macro lens @ f/5.6, 1/180s, +0.5EV, ISO400, handheld.
Lastly, here's a Grey Dagger moth (Acronicta psi) caterpillar, ID'ed in the excellent 'British Moths and Butterflies' book by Chris Manley.

Pentax K-5, Sigma EX 105mm f/2.8 macro lens @ f/6.7, 1/1000s, -0.5EV, ISO800, handheld.
It was excruciatingly hot today, but also a day of firsts for me, as I hadn't seen any of the above before. Any comments or confirmation of ID appreciated!
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